Our Baltum Bureau team, together with our partners can help you in matters of Translation agency certification.

ISO 17100 certification is a standard that provides requirements for the core processes, resources, and other aspects necessary for the delivery of quality translation services.

Achieving ISO 17100 certification demonstrates a company’s commitment to providing quality translation services and can help attract top talent.

Baltum Buroo is a certification body that provides ISO 17100 certification. The company’s auditors hold the necessary national and international accreditations for management system certification and auditing.

The certification process includes a post-production step where the certification body validates that customer requirements have been met and takes action to correct deficiencies if necessary.

ISO 18841 is an international standard that provides basic requirements for the provision of interpreting services, including the qualifications and competencies of interpreters, and recommendations for good practice.

Achieving ISO 18841 certification demonstrates a commitment to providing a high-quality interpreting service. Obtaining certification from an impartial and independent certification body can provide many benefits, such as identifying weaknesses and improvements in your processes through an external audit .

The standard is reviewed every five years to ensure it remains relevant and up-to-date.

ISO 18587 is an international standard that provides requirements for full post-editing of machine translation output and post-editors’ competences.

The standard is intended to be used by translation service providers (TSPs), their clients, and post-editors, and is only applicable to content processed by machine translation (MT) systems.

In order to obtain the ISO 18587 certificate, a certification audit is required on the management system set up by your organization, which must meet the requirements of the standard, as outlined in 5. Requirements for ISO 18587 include standards related to post-processing quality control of raw MT output and mandatory competencies of review and quality control personnel to ensure that risks associated with AI-generated content are adequately managed.

By obtaining ISO 18587 certification, your organization can demonstrate its commitment to providing high-quality, safe, and reliable post-edited machine translation output.

Additionally, being certified by a trusted certification body such as Baltum Buroo can help inspire trust in your stakeholders and display your organization’s reliability and global recognition.

In conclusion, obtaining ISO 18587 certification from a certification body such as Baltum Buroo can help ensure that your organization is providing high-quality post-edited machine translation output and can enhance the trust and confidence of your stakeholders in your organization.